Dashwood Urban Reconstruction

Dashwood Urban Reconstruction

This information is shared on behalf of Huron County.

Project background

The County of Huron, in partnership with the Municipality of Bluewater and Municipality of South Huron, is planning to reconstruct County Road 83 (Dashwood Road) including the replacement of storm sewers, watermain and water services. The project area includes County Road 83 through Dashwood, from 145 m west of Rinker Street to 350 m east of Lane Street.

The project will be completed in two Phases. Phase 1 will be completed in 2024 while Phase 2 will be completed in 2025.

Project update

As of June 21, 2024, the project is approximately 10% complete. The contractor has started working on the temporary watermain and storm sewers, and the road has been excavated on the north side. Traffic routes have been shifted towards the south side of the road.

Please note that the site has narrow driving lanes. Travellers are encouraged to drive through the work zone with caution and adhering to speed limits.

As of June 20, 2024 temporary traffic signals have been installed through a section of the work zone resulting in one way of traffic at a time. This is a temporary measure that will be lifted once two-way traffic can be accommodated.

For the most recent pictures of the project site or to sign up for the County's project newsletter, visit the project page on Huron County Connects

See poster for more information.

Last updated: 2024-06-24

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