Be bear wise

While uncommon, sometimes bears venture into the Bluewater area, especially in the spring as black bears are coming out of hibernation. With the milder weather, bears might be coming out of hibernation earlier this year. Following these tips can help prevent visiting bears from stopping in your neighbourhood:
- Storing garbage in waste containers with tight-fitting lids (indoors if possible)
- Waiting until pickup day to put out garbage
- Taking away bird feeders for the spring and summer (you can offer birds natural alternatives, such as flowers, nesting boxes and fresh water)
- Cleaning food residue and grease from outdoor barbecue grills – including grease traps – after each use
- Keeping pet food indoors
If a bear poses an immediate threat and is displaying threatening or aggressive behaviour, call 911 or the OPP. Non-emergency bear sightings can be reported to Bear Wise at 1-866-514-2327.
The Bear Wise website has more helpful information about staying bear wise.
Photo credit: Cephas, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons