CSWB for Huron County launches second social media campaign

CSWB for Huron County launches second social media campaign

This press release is shared on behalf of the Community Safety and Well-Being Committee for Huron County.

The Community Safety and Well-Being Committee for Huron County is launching a new social media campaign to bring awareness and educate the community about Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). This campaign is a part of the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan for Huron County that was established by the lower-tier municipalities in 2021.

It will feature information, education and support resources for all community members, including those who have been impacted by IPV.

“In 2023, Huron County OPP had 765 occurrences related to intimate partner violence. That is a staggering number of occurrences for our small community,” says Inspector Jason Younan, Huron OPP.

“Through this campaign and online education, we hope to create a community where intimate partner violence occurrences are lowered and survivors are more likely to reach out for support and help,” says Deborah Logue, Executive Director, Victim Services of Huron County.

The campaign will also feature access to FREE one-hour online training designed to help neighbours, friends and families recognize the risks of IPV, and how to respond and refer to the appropriate services in Huron County.

Over 90 municipalities in Ontario have declared IPV to be an epidemic. Between 2020 and 2023, the rate of Femicide has increased by 68% in Ontario. Women in rural communities are 2.5 times more likely to be killed as in urban centres.

The campaign will start April 1, 2024, and be pushed out by all municipalities and various agencies and organizations connected to the Community Safety and Well-Being Committee for Huron County.

For support and resources about IPV:

Huron Women’s Shelter, Second Stage Housing and Counselling Services
Victim Services Huron County
OPP - Huron Detachment

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