
The Municipality of Bluewater is a licenced cemetery operator under the Bereavement Authority of Ontario.  The municipality’s operator’s licence number is 3277875.

The municipality is responsible for the management of the following three active cemeteries:

  • Bayfield Public Cemetery located at 35102 Mill Road, Varna (licence number CM-01584)
  • Bluewater Bronson Line Cemetery located at 72587 Bronson Line, Zurich (licence number CM-01531)
  • Goshen Line Calvary Public Cemetery located at 71598 Goshen Line, Zurich (licence number CM-01530)

For information on the inactive cemeteries under the management of the municipality, please contact the municipal office.

The Bereavement Authority of Ontario publishes a Consumer Information Guide to funeral, burial, cremation and transfer services. 

For information regarding the governance of the cemeteries, please view the Cemetery Rules and Regulations and the current price list as adopted by Council.

Cemetery Fees

Cemetery fees are set out in our fees and charges by-law. Care and maintenance (C&M), which is 40 percent of the purchase price of all graves and lots, is contributed into an irrevocable trust fund as a requirement under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act and Ontario Regulation 30/11—the Care and Maintenance Fund. Income from the fund is used to provide general care and maintenance of the cemetery in perpetuity.

In the following pricing, care and maintenance is shown separately for ease of reference. However, the total cost shown is calculated with care and maintenance included (for example, Price (includes C&M) + HST = Total Fee).

Lot prices are as follows.

Lot type Price C&M Portion HST Total Fee
Regular grave lot $918.00 $367.20 $119.34 $1,037.34
Cremation lot $714.00 $285.60 $92.82 $806.82

Interment charges are as follows.

Interment charge Price HST Total Fee
Adult $974.00 $126.62 $1,100.62
Child under 13 $385.00 $50.05 $435.05
Cremation, no vault $504.00 $65.52 $569.52
Cremation, vault $680.00 $88.40 $768.40


Additional fees are as follows. 

Additional Charges—Interment Price HST Total Fee
Cremation, Saturday and weekdays after 4 p.m. $300.00 $39.00 $339.00
Full burial, Saturday and weekdays after 4 p.m. $360.00 $46.80 $406.80
Winter charge (December 15th to April 1st) $347.00 $45.11 $392.11

Disinterment charges are as follows. 

Disinterment charge Price HST Total Fee
Summer $1,213.00 $157.69 $1,370.69
Winter $1,500.00 $195.00 $1,695.00

The transfer fee is $75.00 plus HST of $9.75 making the total transfer fee $84.75.

The care and maintenance charges for monuments and markers are as follows.

Monument type C&M Portion HST Total Fee
Monument measuring up to 4 feet $200.00 $26.00 $226.00
Monument measuring more than 4 feet $400.00 $52.00 $452.00
Flat marker $100.00 $13.00 $113.00

Frequently Asked Questions

Many of the plots in Bluewater cemeteries have been in the family for generations.  The greater the generation gap between the original interment rights holder and those wishing to be buried in the plot, the more complicated obtaining proper permission can become.  It is not unusual to require multiple signatures in order to permit a burial.

Each single grave can accommodate four burials being one traditional burial and four cremations.

Cremation lots can accommodate two individual's cremated remains.

Due to the size of the cremation lots, only a flat marker can be installed and not a monument.

The interment rights holder(s) have the authority to reserve a spot in a grave for a specific individual.

Animal remains, including cremated remains cannot be buried in the cemetery.

Notice of each interment shall be made at least 48 hours in advance, 16 hours which must be regular working hours.

Sunday or statutory holiday interments are not permitted unless ordered to do so by a representative of the Ministry of Health.

No winter burials shall take place between December 15 and April 1 unless weather permits.  There will be an extra charge for burials conducted during the winter, Saturdays and weekdays after 4:00 pm.

It is always best that planning be done in advance and that wishes are communicated with staff to ensure that there is no misunderstanding or delay at the time of need.  The documents required include:

  • completed interment order request form
  • payment
  • original burial permit or cremation certificate

More documentation may be requested depending on the situation.

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