Payment Options

There are a variety of ways to pay bills issued by the municipality. Review our payment options for the type of bill you are paying and select the option that works best for you.

Paying property tax bills

You can pay using online or telephone banking or by taking your bill to your bank branch to have the teller process the payment.

To pay online, you will need to:

  • Log in to your online banking.
  • Add "Bluewater Municipality Taxes" as a payee. (Tip: Search payee listings for Bluewater)
  • Enter the roll number from your tax bill (15 digits, no decimals or spaces). If you have multiple bills each roll number must be set up separately and a payment must me made to each separate tax roll number.
  • Make your payment at least three days before the due date to avoid late payment fees.
  • If you move make sure you delete the roll number and add your new roll number if you have moved within Bluewater. Your roll number does not move with you.

Your tax account can be set up to have the amount owing deducted from your bank account on the due dates in February, May, September and November. 

We also have a budget plan that will divide your tax payments over 10 months and automatically pull each month. No payments are withdrawn in January or December. 

See our Pre-Authorized Payment plan page for more information and instructions on how to enroll.

Payments by cash, cheque, or debit are accepted at the municipal office located at 14 Mill Ave., Zurich. Business hours are Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept credit card payments.

If you are unable to make your payment at the municipal office during business hours, you can use the afterhours deposit slot in the front door. Attach the remittance stub to your cheque made payable to the Municipality of Bluewater, put everything together in an envelope, and drop it in the slot in the front door. 

We discourage using the drop box to make cash payments. Post-dated cheques are accepted.

Mail your payment and the remittance from your tax bill to: 

The Municipality of Bluewater
14 Mill Ave
Zurich, ON  N0M 2T0 

Cheques are payable to the Municipality of Bluewater and MUST be in Canadian funds. 

Allow sufficient time for your payment to arrive at the municipal office prior to the due date. Post dated cheques are accepted.

PaySimply™ is a third-party payment provider that allows you to pay your bill online using a credit card, PayPal account, or e-transfer. A convenience fee applies.

You will need to:

  • Log in to the PaySimply™ website.
  • Follow the steps on the website to set up the municipality as a payee. You'll need to choose between Bluewater (Mun)-Taxes or Bluewater (Mun)-Utilities. It's a similar process to setting up a payment through your bank.
  • Make your payment at least three days before the due date to allow the payment to arrive on time.

Paying utility bills

You can pay using online or telephone banking or by taking your bill to your bank branch to have the teller process the payment.

To pay online, you will need to:

  • Log in to your online banking.
  • Add "Bluewater Municipality PUC or Utilities" as a payee. (Tip: Search payee listings for Bluewater)
  • Enter the account number from your utility bill (13 digits no decimals or spaces). If you have multiple bills each account number must be set up separately and a payment must me made to each separate utility account number.
  • Make your payment at least three days before the due date to avoid late payment fees.
  • If you move make sure you delete the account number and add your new account number if you have moved within Bluewater. Your account number does not move with you.

Your utility account can be set up for pre-authorized payment. The amount owing will be deducted from your bank account on the due date. Simply complete our online pre-authorized payment form to enroll.

Paper enrollment forms are available at the municipal office upon request.

If you register for the Pre-authorized Payment Plan, you will still receive a copy of your utility bill. The utility bill will advise you of the amount that will be pulled from your bank account on the due date.

Payments by cash, cheque, or debit are accepted at the municipal office located at 14 Mill Ave. Zurich. Business hours are Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Unfortunately we are unable to accept credit card payments.

If you are unable to make your payment at the municipal office during business hours, you can use the afterhours deposit slot in the front door. Attach your remittance stub to your cheque made payable to the Municipality of Bluewater, put everything together in an envelope, and drop it in the slot in the front door. We discourage using the drop box to make cash payments.

Mail your payment and the remittance slip from your utility bill to:

The Municipality of Bluewater
14 Mill Ave.
Zurich ON  N0M 2T0

Cheques must be made payable to the Municipality of Bluewater and MUST be in Canadian funds.

Allow sufficient time for your payment to arrive at the municipal office prior to the due date. Post dated cheques are accepted.

PaySimply™ is a third-party payment provider that allows you to pay your bill online using a credit card, PayPal account, or e-transfer. A convenience fee applies.

You will need to:

  • Log in to the PaySimply™ website.
  • Follow the steps on the website to set up the municipality as a payee. You'll need to choose between Bluewater (Mun)-Taxes or Bluewater (Mun)-Utilities. It's a similar process to setting up a payment through your bank.
  • Make your payment at least three days before the due date to allow the payment to arrive on time.

Paying accounts receivable invoices

You can pay using online or telephone banking or by taking your bill to your bank branch to have the teller process the payment. 

To pay online you will need to: 

  • Log in to your online banking. 
  • Add “Bluewater Municipality Receivables“ as a payee (search Bluewater). 
  • Enter the customer ID from your invoice (9 digits, no dashes or spaces).
  • Pay for only one invoice at a time for each payment.  This makes it easier for us to reconcile.
  • Make your payment at least three days before the due date to avoid late payment fees 

Payments by cash, cheque, or debit are accepted at the municipal office located at 14 Mill Ave. Zurich. Business hours are Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Unfortunately we are unable to accept credit card payments.

If you are unable to make your payment at the municipal office during business hours, you can use the afterhours deposit slot in the front door. Attach your remittance stub to your cheque made payable to the Municipality of Bluewater, put everything together in an envelope, and drop it in the slot in the front door.

 Post-dated cheques are accepted. We discourage using the drop box to make cash payments.

Mail your payment and the remittance slip from your invoice to:

The Municipality of Bluewater
14 Mill Ave.
Zurich ON  N0M 2T0

Cheques must be made payable to the Municipality of Bluewater and MUST be in Canadian funds.

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