
By-laws ensure a safe and pleasant environment for residents and businesses of Bluewater. On this page you will find:

The information on this page is provided for your convenience and should not be relied on as an official copy. To obtain an official copy of a by-law, please contact the municipal office.

By-law Enforcement

The By-law Enforcement department is responsible for ensuring public health and safety through the enforcement of municipal by-laws.

This is accomplished through education to raise awareness of community standards and municipal by-laws to ensure timely compliance with a professional, unbiased approach. The by-law enforcement officer periodically conducts mobile patrol and responds to concerns related to municipal by-laws.

Where a by-law is in effect, an officer may enter upon any property at any reasonable time, without a warrant, for the purpose of inspecting the property to determine whether it conforms to the standards prescribed in the by-law.

By-law complaints

To submit a by-law complaint, please use the button to open the online form. Complaints and issues submitted through this form are sent directly to the responsible department for investigation or follow-up.

Urgent Complaints

A written complaint is required in all cases to verify the complaint and follow up. This is an important first step in the enforcement process.

Sometimes, a situation occurs that requires immediate response. In these cases, you can submit a written complaint and place a phone call for certain by-laws. You may complete the form below and phone by-law enforcement at 519-550-9777 if you are seriously concerned about excessive noise, a public nuisance, a loose dog, a dog bite, an open fire, or a short-term rental.

Frequently requested by-laws

We are constantly working to provide our by-laws in a convenient, accessible format online. Some by-laws may not be posted because they are not yet in an accessible format. If you require a by-law not found under our commonly requested by-laws, or require information in an alternative format, please contact the Municipal Office at 519-236-4351 or send us an email and we will be happy to help.

Some of the versions of by-laws found on this page may be consolidated. A consolidated by-law is one that includes some or all amendments that have been made to it. 

Our animal control by-law outlines the rules and regulations for animal care and control in Bluewater. This by-law includes information about licensing requirements, prohibited animals, and the responsibilities of animal owners. More information can be found on our animal services and control page.

By-law 9-1993 being a by-law to control the use of motorized snow vehicles within the Village of Hensall

By-law 209-1984 being a by-law prohibiting the depositing of snow on street allowances within the Village of Bayfield

By-law 9-2020 being a by-law to provide for the regulation of discharge of wastes into the public sewage and storm works in the Municipality of Bluewater

By-law 29-2004 being a by-law to prohibit the depositing of refuse or debris in certain areas of the municipality pursuant to section 127 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O., c.25

The hawkers, peddlers and buskers by-law outlines the rules and regulations for street performers and street vendors of food, goods and services.

By-law 118-2019 being a by-law for requiring and regulating the maintenance of private property in a clean and clear condition

Our noise by-law outlines the rules and regulations for the types and levels of noise that may be produced in Bluewater by different activities and the hours when noise may be produced. It also includes descriptions of what noise producing activities may be exempted.

By-law 121-2024 regulates and controls the movement of off-road vehicles (ORVs) on any highways or road allowances under the control of the Municipality of Bluewater.

By-law 31-2016 being a by-law to regulate open air burning. General information about controlled burns and recreational fires can also be found on our open air burning page.

By-law 18-2012 being a by-law to control and regulate the location, installation and operation of outdoor solid fuel combustion appliances

The property standards by-law explains the conditions that property must be kept in within Bluewater.

By-law 119-2019, being a By-law to regulate public nuisances and matters related to the health, safety and well- being of the inhabitants of the Municipality of Bluewater

By-law 118-2024 outlines the Municipality's policy for municipally-operated recreation and day camp programming. See this by-law for information regarding program refunds, cancellations, waitlists and program transfers. 

By-law 419-1989 being a by-law which prohibits the throwing, placing or depositing of dirt, filth, glass, handbills, paper or other rubbish or refuse, or the carcass of any animal, on any highway or bridge and prohibits the obstruction of ditches or culverts upon highways

Please contact the Development Services Department to obtain a copy of the regulating taxi cabs by-law.

By-law 5-1996 being a by-law to regulate the discharge of firearms, air guns, spring guns, cross-bows or long-bow within the Village of Hensall

A short-term rental licensing by-law was adopted June 19th, 2023. The by-law outlines the application and licensing process for short-term rentals in the Municipality of Bluewater. General information about short-term rental licensing can be found on our short-term rentals page.

Hay signs

By-law 22-1998 Being a by-law to regulate the erection of signs on or overhanging township road allowances

Zurich signs

By-law 14-1991 Being a by-law to regulate and control the erection, alteration or re-location of any sign in a residential zone in the Village of Zurich

Bayfield signs

Please contact the Development Services Department to obtain a copy of the Bayfield sign by-law.

Prohibited signs

By-law 42-2018 being a by-law to prohibit animated signs within the Municipality of Bluewater

By-law 6-2020 being a by-law to require fencing of privately owned swimming pools

Our traffic and parking by-law regulates parking within Bluewater. It includes descriptions of how and where motorists may park in Bluewater as well as areas of restricted or no parking. It also includes information about accessible parking spaces, fire lanes and parking-related fines.

The usage of beach, marina and water areas by-law explains the rules and regulations for using the Bayfield Main Beach and Bluewater Marina.

By-law 2-2025 being a by-law to regulate the time, manner, extent and nature of the supply of potable water within the Municipality of Bluewater

The Municipality's Videotaping and Live Broadcasting Policy was adopted through By-law 83-2024. It outlines the use of video surveillance equipment at selected sites within the jurisdiction of the Municipality or within buildings owned or leased by the Municipality. It also outlines the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information collected through video surveillance.

Zoning By-law 43-2015, as amended, provides information about general provisions applying to all properties within the Municipality of Bluewater plus specific zone provisions such as minimum property frontage and zone area.

Municipality of Bluewater
14 Mill Avenue
N0M 2T0
Phone: 519-236-4351
or 1-877-236-4351
Fax: 519-236-4329
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